
Gràcia festival

Gràcia festival, "Festa Major de Gràcia", is the largest and most well-known celebration in the Gràcia neighborhood. In addition to its numerous activities, concerts,...

The modernist district: Eixample district

Following with our “district picture” of Barcelona, today it is time for the most iconic one: the Eixample district. It is one of the...

The 10 Barcelona districts

When it comes to the extension of Barcelona, if we think of this in square kilometers we might consider the city relatively small. But...

Colorful houses in Barcelona Font de la Guatlla

A couple of weeks ago we went to explore a spot that not even local people know. Does the picture above ring a bell?...

Parc de l’Espanya Industrial

Parc de l’Espanya Industrial (as this place is called) also holds a past. We featured this spot among the Wes Anderson scenarios in Barcelona....

A walk through the squares of Gracia

For those days in which you just want to take a walk and explore an area of the city, we got you a perfect...