Gràcia neighborhood is one of the most beautiful and picturesque neighborhoods in Barcelona. We tried to sum up some of the important perks of living in Gracia (and okey, some inconvenient as well…) so that you can have a general idea of what it is like to live in the Gracia neighborhood.
Small businesses in Gràcia neighborhood
Coffee shops in Gràcia
We love coffee shops. Well, more than that to be honest, we LOVE (capital letters) coffee shops. If you love them that much too, we got some good news for you: Gracia has plenty of beautiful coffee shops. Some of our favorites are Mama’s Cafe or Nabucco (both have delicious cakes).
Gracia neighborhood and its creative community
Gràcia neighborhood is known for having a strong creative community. So while you walk the streets in this quarter, make sure to stop by the little local shops which display their own creations: jewelry, clothes, home accessories, etc. Besides the creative products, the shops themselves are such an inspiration.
Local markets
Are there any farmers markets in Gràcia neighborhood where you can buy local products? (You might be wondering again…). And the answer is YES, there are! And besides these local farmers markets in Barcelona, in Gràcia neighborhood there are also some farmers market the “outdoor” version. If you love buying local products on the streets, you can’t miss them neither. You can walk around, meet local producers, know about the products in detail… They are held during special dates, but also periodically. You might bump into one of them while taking a walk in Gràcia neighborhood on a Saturday morning!
Gracia neighborhood feels like a little town
What it is like to live in the Gràcia neighborhood? It kind of feels like living in a little town. While in Eixample you will mostly find wide avenues and streets, once you cross the line to enter Gràcia neighborhood, the feeling has changed. You start to walk narrow streets, and the wide avenues disappear. It kind of feels like leaving the hectic city to explore a little town (but without leaving the city, and still pretty close to the city center).
Local and everywhere food
You can travel everywhere through food, also in this quarter. Gràcia has a really wide gastronomic offer: Indian, Syrian, Italian or Japanese restaurants, among others, have delicious food at reasonable prices. Also, if you prefer local food there are also delicious options with Spanish and Catalan dishes.
You can walk from Gracia to the city center
And here is a huge advantage that might go unnoticed at first: you can just walk to the city center. Because it just takes between 5-20 minutes, depending on the specific area of Gràcia neighborhood. So that means that there is no need to take the bus or metro if you want to head out to the city center. You can get there while enjoying a nice walk.
Gracia squares
Avenues lose the leading role in Gràcia, which is played by squares in this neighborhood. Plaça del Diamant, Plaça del Sol or Plaça de la Vila are some of the most famous squares in this quarter, and they hold many stories from diverse time periods of History. Today they are beautiful spots where you can stop by and have drinks at one of the many bars and restaurants located in these squares. But here is an important thing you need to know: finding a table at rush hour might be Mission: Impossible, since these squares have become city icons which attract both locals and tourists.
A sense of community
When we say that we feel a “sense of community” we mean that there are actually oficial neighborhood associations created to energize the neighborhood. And what do they organize exactly? These are some of the events that these communities work on throughout the year, building bonds among neighbors (and we really love that):
Festes de Gracia
During Festes de Gràcia (the most popular party in this neighborhood which is held in August), there is a famous contest in which the streets with the best decorations are awarded. So there are a bunch of neighborhood associations whose members meet throughout the year to decide and create the leitmotiv of the next competition.
Calçotades and botifarrades
Depending on the season, these same associations held periodical calçotades and botifarrades which are open to everyone. You will notice one of these local parties is being held when you see a huge line of tables on the street, and feel the smell of calçots or botifarres being cooked right there. Also, the music and the festive vibe will catch your attention as well!
Rents are expensive
But yes, there are some negative parts as well. Unfortunately not everything is positive in Gràcia neighborhood: rents are quite expensive (and it looks like they keep getting higher).
So what is it like to live in the Gràcia neighborhood? We hope that now you have at least a general idea. And if you want to know what other options you have when it comes to choosing a neighborhood to live in Barcelona, check out the post we wrote about the Best neighborhoods to live in Barcelona.