If you love culture and specially exploring museums, you have the opportunity to discover the best free museums in Barcelona! The first Sunday of each month you can visit Barcelona museums and enjoy the Catalan and Spanish culture for 0 euros (and also some other special dates on the calendar).
There are a lot of museums to be explored in Barcelona, and probably at the beginning you will have doubts about which one of them you should visit first. In case you are not sure about where to start, here is a list some of the best museums in Barcelona with free entrance on Sundays:
CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona
Expositions, debates, festivals, special cinema sessions, conferences… This Barcelona museum is well known for promoting the artistic creation from new technologies and ways of communication. It also hosts the annual World Press Photo exhibition.
You can visit this museum for free on Sundays from 3pm to 8pm, February 12, May 18, the “Museum Night” and September 24.
MNAC Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya
The National Museum of Art of Catalonia is among the best free museums in Barcelona during the first Sunday of each month. Located in the National Palace, you alto get to enjoy some of the most beautiful views of Barcelona. This museum shows pieces of art from different nature: sculptures, paintings, photographies, etc.).
You can also explore this museum for free the first Sunday of month and during some special dates: February 12, May 18 and September 11 and 24.
MUHBA Museu d’Història de Barcelona
The History Museum of Barcelona is like a subterranean maze which was discovered by chance during the 20s. Includes a total of 4.000m2 of roman excavations: streets, food storages, villages… This space is located from Plaça del Rei to the Barcelona Cathedral, and you can access to this historical maze through Casa Padellàs.
Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the MUHBA for free the first Sundays of each month. But you can visit this Barcelona museum for free on Sundays from 3pm until 8pm, February 12, May 18 and September 24.
Museu de la Música
Around 500 instruments are exposed in this Barcelona museum. If you are a music fan, you probably won’t miss this spot. They are from different ages and cultures and is considered one of the most important expositions in Spain.
You can visit Museu de la música for free the first Sundays of each month. But you can visit this musical museum for free on Sundays from 3pm until 8pm, February 12, May 18, the Museum Night, June 21, September 24 and 25, November 22, December 2.
Museu Frederic Marès
From brushes to gargoyles, Frederic Marès collected the most curious objects he founded and he was given this space to expose all of them. Apart from these expositions, you can enjoy one of the most beautiful terraces in Barcelona.
You can visit the Museum Frederic Marès for free the first Sundays of each month. But you can visit this botanical garden for free on Sundays from 3pm until 8pm, February 12, May 18 and September 24.
Virreina Centre de la Imatge
You can visit Virreina Centre de la Imatge for free whenever you want. This free museum in Barcelona offers temporary art expositions and it is considered one of the best representative art of the baroque period.
Museu Picasso
Picasso Museum, the name of this Barcelona museum says it itself: a great opportunity to explore the art of Pablo Ruiz Picasso. It includes a permanent exposition with more than 3.800 pieces and other temporary art expositions.
Explore Picasso Museum for free each Thursday in the afternoon, the first Sunday of month, February 12, May 18 and September 24.
Museu Marítim de Barcelona
Sea lovers, here is your favourite museum in Barcelona: Museu Marítim de Barcelona. With more than 75 years of history, this museum is completely dedicated to conserve, study and spread one of the most important collections of maritime heritage in the Mediterranean.
Visit this Barcelona museum for free on Sundays from 3pm to 8pm, May 18 and September 24.
Jardí Botànic

We visited this museum a couple of weeks ago. Not only you get to discover the most exotic plants and flowers but also you get to see one of the best views from Barcelona.
The entrance to this Barcelona museum is free the first Sundays of each month. But you can visit this botanical garden for free on Sundays from 3pm until 8pm, February 12, May 18 and September 24.
Museu Blau
Located in the Forum of Barcelona, Museu Blau is one of the most famous natural science museums in Barcelona. A little spoiler before you visit: a skeleton whale which was found in Llançà beach will welcome you.
If you are a natural science lover, don’t miss the change to visit for free the Museu Blau the first Sundays of each month, and also February 12, May 18 and September 24.
So there are many free museums in Barcelona during special days, you just need to know when to visit to save some money :-)