Surely you have heard a lot about those mandatory things to do in Barcelona in Summer (driving to la Costa Brava, having drinks in a rooftop, picnic in a park…). But, what about the things you should NOT do? Here is an article raised from a different point of view, specially through humor, where you will find some tips for the Summer in Barcelona. But hopefully, a helpful one.
Things you should NOT do: Leaving your personal belongings unattended in la Barceloneta beach
Thieves are always on the hunt to get some of your personal belongings, specially when it comes to la Barceloneta beach. So in case you decide to take a dip in the water, we recommend you to take turns among your friends so that someone always stays in the sand to keep an eye out on your stuff. This became real trouble for tourists who weren’t aware of this, and when returning to their towel in the sand they found out what has happened. None of their things were there. Not even their clothes.

From the Barcelona city council they have had to even design a “survival kit” for the victims of thefts which contains: flip-flops, a t-shirt, pants and a metro ticket to be able to make it home. An important thing to not do in Barcelona especially in summer. It could easily ruin your trip. Also among the important tips for the Summer in Barcelona!
Things you should NOT do: Taking the metro in rush hour
It is like the museum of (horrors) smells. Especially during summer in Barcelona, it is not the nicest experience. Many people, concentrated in such a small space. Also, as you will hear through the metro speakers: keep an eye on your personal belongings.
When it comes to relatively short distances, we recommend you to walk. Barcelona is not a big city in terms of space, so you will probably get from one point to the other by foot. Also, the bus is another option to move around the city and it is usually less crowded than the subway.
Things you should NOT do: Exploring the city without wearing sunscreen
You might not be aware of the sun effects on your skin during a sunny day until you arrive to your hotel. At night, after a long day exploring the city, you meet the new version of yourself when you look at him in the mirror. After-sun will surely make you feel better, your skin more relieved, but try to avoid this “after-sun” phase: get yourself some sunscreen before leaving the hotel in the morning. And remember to reapply frequently! So if you are already making a list of things to do in Barcelona in July (or August), include also this one: sunscreen 24/7.
Things you should NOT do: Going to discos instead of outdoor music festivals
Why to lock yourself in a closed space when you have live music? Barcelona is well known for its popular music festivals, so exploring at least one of them it is among the things to do in Barcelona in Summer. We highly recommend you these ones:
- Primavera Sound (almost to welcome in the Summer)
- Festival Jardins de Pedralbes
- Evening jazz concert series at Casa Milà
- Cruilla Festival
- Vida Festival
- Sónar
Also we have what we call “Festes majors”, one of the best things to do in Barcelona in July and August. These festivities include live music and concerts in their programs, which are aimed for both adults and children. So get yourself out of the walls of a disco and enjoy the sun along with great music (always with your sunscreen on).
We tried to write this article from a funny point of view as you might have noticed. But this is at the same time serious stuff. We also have been victims of thefts while traveling and this sucks, specially when it comes to the robbery of personal identification documents.
So here we delivered these tips for the Summer in Barcelona to make your trip (or your long-stay) great and without unpleasant setbacks. As always, we hope it might be helpful!