What is la Castanyada? Where does this tradition come from? How to celebrate la Castanyada in Barcelona? If you have started to feel that fall cozy vibe in the city, read on to know how to celebrate the most famous tradition of this season: la Castanyada.
What is la Castanyada?
La Castanyada is a traditional celebration with a history of over three centuries celebrated on the eve of All Saints’ Day. This celebration is mostly enjoyed at home with family and friends, eating panellets and roasted chestnuts.
Where does this tradition come from?
The origins of la Castanyada can be traced back to an ancient funeral celebration associated with pagan rituals. In the late 18th century, certain funeral feasts evolved into this commemoration, where chestnuts and panellets take center stage.

The figure of “La Castanyera”
The figure of “La Castanyera” is pretty famous in the popular culture of the Catalan society. In schools children receive during this festivity the special visit of “La Castanyera”, dressed in clothes of an ancient era that include these basics: a cute hat, a skirt and an apron, typically all of them plaid clothes. No scary costumes in the Catalan Halloween, but an adorable woman roasting chestnuts as the iconic figure.
How is la Castanyada celebrated?
We start to celebrate the festivity some days before…
Stalls serving chestnuts and sweet potatoes
One of the most famous rituals starting from beginning October until November: going to buy some chestnuts at a stall on the street! And eating them while feeling how it is starting to get a bit chilly in the evenings.

Where to buy chestnuts on the streets of Barcelona?
During the months of October and November you will bump into roasted chestnuts and sweet potato stalls on the street which are distributed throughout the city. You may want to stop by and order a “paperina de castanyes” that will cost you around 3-4€. In some of these stalls they also have sweet potatoes. There are around 40 stalls in the city, here you can find the location details.

Roasted chestnuts, sweet potatoes and… panellets!
Chestnuts and sweet potatoes both received all the attention in terms of food during this season. And actually, cooking the panellets at home is quite a ritual that involves different generations, and it’s a beautiful way to celebrate la Castanyada.
And if you are wondering where to buy chestnuts so that you can cook them at home, you will find them in a variety of places, including local markets, small greengrocery stores, and supermarkets throughout Barcelona.
But unless you cook them in a special pan in a fireplace, you will notice that they don’t taste the same good as they do in the stalls ;-)

The best part of this ritual: sharing it with family and friends
Take in mind the sweetest part of this Autumn ritual: share it with your beloved ones to turn it into a special tradition.
Do you want to combine La Castanyada (the Catalan Halloween) and Halloween while you are in Barcelona? In that case keep reading the article Halloween in Barcelona and In the mood for jack-o’-lanterns: carving pumpkins in Barcelona.