If you are reading this from Spain right now let us guess your current situation: you are sitting on the couch and covered with a blanket. You might be reading this article while hearing the sound of Netflix in the background (and it is about to say: “are you still there?”). It is freaking cold outside. And it is snowing almost everywhere in Spain! Except Barcelona. “Actually, does it ever snow in Barcelona?” you might have asked yourself.
So in case you are wondering about the possibility of you waking up to a Barcelona covered by a white blanket… Keep reading ;-)
Does it usually snow in Barcelona?
The most accurate answer would be: “It rarely does, but it happens sometimes”. Yes but, how often? Approximately once every 10 years, Barcelona does get some snow. But due to that frequency, we usually refer to them as “historical snowfalls in Barcelona”.
The most epic snowfall in Barcelona: December 25, 1962
A magic snowfall on the perfect day: December 25, Christmas day! This is probably the most known snowfall in Barcelona. The city woke up covered in white and new scenes in the city were seen for the first time for most of the people: friends skiing in Plaça Catalunya, children (and adults) getting creative at building snowmans, people taking pictures of themselves on the streets (the origin of selfies maybe?) which were completely covered in snow…
There was also another symbolic fact: during that time, on December 25 it was a tradition to go to church to attend a special mass on that day: “La Missa del Gall”. So what a historical staging: the congregation leaving the temple to a city covered in white.

The most recent snowfall in Barcelona: March 8, 2010
When was the last time it snowed in Barcelona? Well, it was on a Monday when an unexpected snowfall surprised almost everyone after a couple of rainy days. This is how the streets of the city looked like during the last snowfall:
Will we see these snow scenes in the near future? We will see… ;-)