Based on a true story: Someone went to do the groceries. He included a zucchini on the list for her Spanish roommate, but he came back with a pumpkin instead. From that day on, he learned how pumpkin and zucchini are translated into Spanish (Calabaza/Calabacín).
So to avoid the (real) struggle when buying vegetables, make sure to read this “vegetables in Spanish” list before heading back to the grocery shop. Useful in case you meet some vegetables for the first time…
Acelga (chard)
With its fleshy and tender leaves, you will find chard from local producers easily.
Alcachofa (artichoke)
Artichoke is one of the most loved vegetables. You can cook them following a wide range of recipes: covered in sauce, on the pan, with ham inside, coat in batter…
Ajo (garlic)
We used them a lot in many recipes. Garlics are the secret to make some typical Spanish dishes even more tasty.
Apio (celery)
It is one of the vegetables you will have to buy if you want to prepare the typical Catalan soup (along with leek, carrots, radish…)
Related post: Catalan restaurant in Barcelona, Can Punyetes
Berenjena (eggplant)
“Berenjenas rellenas” is a pretty popular Spanish dish made with this main vegetable: the eggplant. Far from being a boring vegetable, here we turn it into a tasteful one by cooking it with some other ingredients. From the vegetables in Spanish list we are creating, this is also a curious translation.
Brócoli (broccoli)
This is not a confusing one, since we call it the same. Despite its fame, we believe it is not the saddest vegetable.
Calabacín (zucchini)
Following with this vegetables in Spanish list… A tricky one! Watch out if you head to the grocery store and include your roomie’s vegetables list in your groceries. As we pointed at the beginning, you may end up bringing a calabaza instead of a calabacín ;)
Calabaza (pumpkin)
It is not that popular in Spain as it is in the United States, but we do eat delicious hot pumpkin creams.
Cardo (cardoon)
Pay attention with this one, mainly because it looks pretty similar to celery but it is not.
Coliflor (cauliflower)
You will also find delicious cauliflower here: not only the common one but also the purple cauliflower.
Cebolla (onion)
The onions can’t miss almost any Spanish sauté. Some of the most delicious dishes are made of tomatoes and onions sautés.
Related post: La Boqueria Barcelona market
Escarola (endive)
The United States is one of the main producers of endives, a vegetable you will also find easily in Spain.
Espárragos verdes (green asparagus)
Try to cook an omelette with green asparagus in it. Yummy! Also you can go on a hike to get this vegetable directly from the woods.
Espinaca (spinach)
Our diet also include Popeye’s source of energy.
Guisantes (green peas)
This is also a popular one, so buying peas shouldn’t be a problem.
Habas (broad beans)
For salads or served along with meat, broad beans are always a healthy garnish.
Judías verdes (green beans)
Among green Spanish vegetables we eat on a weekly basis, we also find green beans.
Lechuga (lettuce)
You can prepare a salad with this main ingredient, or create your own out of baby leaves such as “Rúcula” or aromatics like basil.
Pepino (cucumber)
Cucumbers or, as we say in Spain, cucumbers. Probably one of the most populars.
Pimiento (pepper)
Among green Spanish vegetables we also find peppers. You can prepare Escalivada with them, a typical Catalan dish included in one of our latest posts on typical Catalan gastronomy.
Puerro (leek)
It is one of the main vegetables to prepare the typical Catalan soup, “Escudella”. You can also prepare a hot cream out of leeks.
Rábano (radish)
It is usually served as an appetizer, or as a fillet garnish.
Remolacha (beet)
A colorful one. We don’t eat it that much as other vegetables but an hummus out of beet tastes delicious.
Repollo (cabbage)
You can buy cabbages and cook the most famous American salad.
Tomate (tomato)
If you are a tomato lover, then you are in luck. You won’t know which tomato to choose from the grocery store: “de rama”, “de pera”, “para ensalada”… We specially love tomatoes among green Spanish vegetables, with its diverse colors, flavours and and sizes. Don’t remember that many kind of tomatoes in the US, so be prepared for a tomato struggle as well.
Zanahoria (carrot)
No confusion with carrots. It is one of the cheapest vegetables in Spain, and still the perfect company for hummus, guacamole or salads.