Americans in Barcelona

Best neighborhoods in Barcelona

You just landed in the city and are now heading to the hostel (or a hotel if you are lucky enough). You made a...

American moving to Spain: pros and cons

Right from the moment you consider moving abroad you might start feeling a bit overwhelmed by those infinite questions that pop into your head....

Spanish book about New York: Historias de Nueva York, by Enric González

If you already got a plane ticket from Barcelona to New York (or even if you are planning to) keep in mind this Spanish...

Caga Tió tradition, the Christmas log that poops presents

“Poop” has always been present in some Catalan Christmas traditions (for instance, “el Caganer” (the pooper)). Beyond its scatological nature, the Caga Tió tradition,...

Best Catalan bands (a comparative to US bands)

Have you listened to some indie Catalan music yet? Or even experienced a live concert or Summer festival in Barcelona with Catalan bands included...

Castanyada in Barcelona: How to celebrate?

What is la Castanyada? Where does this tradition come from? How to celebrate la Castanyada in Barcelona? If you have started to feel that...
Americans in Barcelona